Skin Conditions We Can Help With

The concept of Microskin™, a world-first skin simulation technology, was originally conceived after we realised that make-up was the only method of concealing or camouflaging skin conditions.
What transpired after many years of research into cosmetic chemistry as well as developing specially designed software used to read human skin, was a system to develop a spray-on simulated application individually formulated for each client’s skin.
Skin conditions are among the most common problems encountered by GPs in the UK. From eczema and rosacea to vitiligo, at any one time between a quarter and a third of the population has an issue which would benefit from dermatological care. Whether you have a condition or know someone who does, education and understanding the different types of skin conditions is key.
Vitiligo is an acquired destruction of melanocytes resulting in white patches on the skin. Vitiligo may occur at any age, though about 50% present before the age of 20.
Connective Tissue Naevus
Connective tissue naevus are lesions of dermal elastic fibres and collagen which give rise to nodules and plaque, especially on the upper back.
Burns to the skin
Tissue damage from excessive heat, electricity, radioactivity, or corrosive chemicals that destroy proteins in the exposed cells is called a burn.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is an eczema reaction as a result of an external substance. Affecting about 1 in 5 people at some time in their lives dermatitis is characterised by red, flaky skin, sometimes with cracks or tiny blisters.
Becker’s Naevus
Becker’s Naevus is more common in males and most commonly on the chest, shoulder and upper arms. It is initially flat but may become raised and pigmented and subsequently develop thick coarse hairs.
Epidermal Naevus
Epidermal naevus usually present at birth or arises within the first decade and may increase in size at puberty. It is well-defined brown or yellow raised plaque with a rough warty surface and fissuring.
Café au Lait
Café au Lait is a single rounded, small or large round or oval pale brown patch. It may be present at birth in up to 10% of the population.
Spider Naevi
Spider Naevi looks like a spider with radiating legs extending out from a central red body. Found on upper cheeks, nose, and eye areas.
Rosacea is characterised by papules and pustules that occur on the face, often associated with flushing. Rosacea is common in both sexes and can appear at any time.
Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum
Consists of more or less symmetrical, well-defined yellowish plaques with a wax consistency which occur particularly on the shins.
Lupus Erthematosus
Lupus is a chronic auto immune disorder which is nearly always confined to the skin and is associated with some degree of photosensitivity.
Urticaria consists of intensely itchy red swellings of the skin which last a few hours and then disappear without trace. It can be known as hives.
Occurs when an excessive amount of melanin has been deposited in a clump causing a brown lesion on the skin.
Keloid Scarring
The keloids are red, raised and firm and have a smooth shiny surface. The often tender nodules can complicate minor acne.
Port Wine Birthmark
The lesion is present at birth and permanent. It is usually purple and is a permanent stain that varies in size.
The term dermatitis and Eczema are used interchangeably within the community to represent itchy skin. There are a number of different types of Eczema including atopic eczema, varicose eczema, discoid eczema, hand eczema, asteatotic eczema and more.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a hereditary disorder of connective tissue which results in hyper extensible skin and joints which dislocate easily. It involves poor wound healing, easy bruising and occasional fragility of large blood vessels. The skin is hyperplastic but recoils to the normal position when released.
Psoriasis is a common chronic benign condition of the skin. Psoriasis is often inherited and sometimes associated with disorders of the joints and nails. As with all skin conditions suffers of psoriasis can also suffer from psychological affects and feelings of isolation from being shunned socially.
Scleroderma is an auto immune disorder characterised by excessive deposits of collagen and other connective tissue components which led to dermal fibrosis. It also affects other organs.
Epidermal Bullosa
It is an inherited disorder of epidermal cell adherence that results in abnormal and purple papules on the skin. It usually begins in late childhood or adolescence Ultraviolet light should be avoided.
Hypopigmentation is the loss of skin colour caused by melanocyte depletion: a decrease in the amino acid tyrosine which is used by melanocytes to make melanin.
Defined as localised sclerosis of the skin probably with an auto immune nature. The cause is unknown.
Lichen Amyloid
The condition is chronic, very itchy and manifests itself as a popular eruption that may turn into thickened plaques.