What is Camouflage by Microskin™?

What is Camouflage by Microskin™?

People all over the world that suffer from numerous types of skin conditions are discovering how Camouflage by Microskin™ can transform their lives by giving them their quality of life back. In a world of poorly colour-matched...
To cover or not to cover?

To cover or not to cover?

Embracing the skin you are in is a challenging concept when faced with a skin condition.  The stage of your life in which you develop a skin condition can affect how you approach your treatment...
What is Microskin™ technology?

What is Microskin™ technology?

It all started in Australia… Microskin’s journey began in Australia in 2007. After hearing a story about a boy who had a rare skin pigment condition which meant he couldn’t go outside, Linda Lowndes, a...
Understanding Vitiligo

Understanding Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition which, according to the British Association of Dermatologists, affects one per cent of the world’s population. Awareness of the condition has increased in recent years, partly thanks to celebrities such as...
Breathe your way to better skin

Breathe your way to better skin

Regardless of our intentions, stress manifests itself on our largest organ, our skin. Our skin is bearer of all news, good, bad and everything in between. It may come as no surprise that a connection...
Understanding Birth Marks

Understanding Birth Marks

Birthmarks are a common condition, of which there are different types. Despite their name, they aren’t always present at birth and can sometimes appear during the days following delivery. They vary in size and colour...
COVID-19: Adjusting to the new normal

COVID-19: Adjusting to the new normal

Are you faced with a new approach to your day? Is it endless hours with little or no structure or have you become an overnight home-schooling parent. Regardless of your new role, there are some...
Skin Conditions We Can Help With

Skin Conditions We Can Help With

The concept of Microskin™, a world-first skin simulation technology, was originally conceived after we realised that make-up was the only method of concealing or camouflaging skin conditions. What transpired after many years of research into...
Why choose Camouflage By Microskin™ instead of cosmetics?

Why choose Camouflage By Microskin™ instead of cosmetics?

Paving the way - Microskin™ a simulated second skin with 35 generic colours that actually match your skin tone and last up to 7 days! Gone are the days of using the traditional cosmetics! It’s...